Diet for allergy to milk

Diet for allergy to milk

  Symptoms that characterize allergic to cow's milk protein, can be eliminated if you follow a proper diet: eliminate cow's milk protein from a ration of the child. There are several ways: from out consumption of cow's milk during breastfeeding to use substitutes. These substitutes are not contain cow's milk protein - a so-called on the basis of the amino acid mixture.

  You can not completely exclude the protein from the diet with milk allergy, as it is essential for growth and development. However, you can replace milk protein equivalent food counterpart.

  Approved on the basis of a mixture of amino acids and mixtures vysokogidrolizovannye are a good option replace cow's milk protein.

  These products are considered to be hypoallergenic and provide a balanced diet if you are allergic to milk and other abnormalities caused by allergies. When consuming mixtures in a prescribed amount, your child receives all the necessary for the growth and development of nutrients.