What is flatulence ? What causes flatulence ?

What is flatulence ?

Flatulence - a syndrome in which there is an increased accumulation of gas in the digestive tract, accompanied by bloating, belching, cramping pains.

What causes flatulence ?

- Improper diet (foods rich in carbohydrates are not digested, carbohydrates are fermented by bacteria in the gut)
- Consumption of carbonated drinks,
- Rapid ingestion of food and drink large gulps,
- Conversation during the meal.

What foods cause flatulence ?

all kinds of cabbage, radish, turnip, radish, Chinese salad;
onions, artichokes, mushrooms;
whole grains, breads and cereals all except rice;
grapes, pears, apples and peaches;
Jerusalem artichoke (artichoke).